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Research Station - Geometry + Dynamics


Evelyne Bachmann

Mathematisches Institut
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg, Germany



PhD Theses

Maximilian Schmahl (Peter Albers, Ulrich Bauer), Topics in Persistent Homology: From Morse Theory for Minimal Surfaces to Efficient Computation of Image Persistence
Irene Seifert (Peter Albers), Polyfold methods for the study of periodic delay orbits.
Arnaud Maret (Peter Albers, Anna Wienhard), The symplectic geometry of surface group representations in genus zero.

Mareike Pfeil (Anna Wienhard, Beatrice Pozzetti), Cataclysm deformations for Anosov representations.
Anna-Sofie Schilling (Anna Wienhard), The Horofunction Compactification of Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces and of Symmetric Spaces.
Anna-Maria Vocke (Peter Albers, Gabriele Benedetti), Periodic Bounce Orbits in Magnetic Billiard Systems.

Johnnes Horn (Daniele Alessandrini and Anna Wienhard), Singular fibers of Hitchin systems.
Eugen Rogozinnikov (Anna Wienhard, Daniele Alessandrini), Symplectic groups over noncommutative rings and maximal representations.

Florian Stecker (Anna Wienhard), Domains of discontinuity of Anosov representations in flag manifolds and oriented flag manifolds.

Nicolaus Treib (Anna Wienhard), Generalized Schottky groups, oriented flag manifolds and proper actions.
Matthias Meiwes (Peter Albers), Rabinowitz Floer homology, leafwise intersections and topological entropy.

Master and Diploma Theses

Gautam Dilip Banhatti (Peter Albers), Phase space of billiards with and without magnetic field as symplectic quotient.
Federica Bertolotti (Beatrice Pozzetti), A Basmajian-type inequality for the indefinite orthogonal group.
Clemens Fruböse (Anna Wienhard, Ullrich Köthe, Christoph Schnörr), A Contribution towards Graph Embedding in Symmetric Spaces.
Davide Legacci (Gabriele Benedetti and Kurt Roth), Poisson geometry in evolutionary game theory.
Lukas Sauer (Peter Albers), Character varieties and Lagrangian submanifolds.
Raphael Schlarb (Gabriele Benedetti), A twist condition for magnetic flows on the two-sphere.
Máté László Telek (Anna Wienhard), Extending results of TDA to Bregman point clouds.

Johanna Bimmermann (Gabriele Benedetti), Hofer-Zehnder capacity for magnetic systems on the two-sphere.
Oskar Riedler (Beatrice Pozzetti), Compact Lorentz 3-folds with non-compact isometry groups.
Daniel Spitz (Anna Wienhard, Jürgen Berges, Markus Oberthaler), Universal structures far from equilibrium in alpha complexes and persistent homology.

Sven Grützmacher (Anna Wienhard), Deformations of flags and convex sets in RP2.

Tim Adler (Anna Wienhard), A boundary map to the Roller boundary of a CAT(0) cube complex.
Mareike Pfeil (Anna Wienhard), Earthquakes in the hyperbolic plane.
Andrea Rincón (Anna Wienhard), Andreev's theorem on 3-dimensional hyperbolic polyhedra.
Irene Seifert (Peter Albers), Fixed points of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms on closed symplectically aspherical manifolds.
Anna-Maria Vocke (Peter Albers), Billards im Magnetfeld.

Fabian Kißler (Anna Wienhard), A family of representations for the modular group (with Pappus curve viewer).
Evgenii Rogozinnikov(Anna Wienhard), Spektrale Netze und Fock-Goncharov Koordinaten.

Yannick Krifka (Anna Wienhard), On Volume Rigidity of Lattices.
Sebastian Schulz (Anna Wienhard, Daniel Roggenkamp), Spectral Networks - A story of Wall-Crossing in Geometry and Physics.

Anna Schilling (Anna Wienhard), Horofunction Compactification of Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces and of Symmetric Spaces

Bachelor Theses

Jannik Westermann (Peter Albers), Periodic Bounce Orbits Obtained by Various Approximation Schemes.
Isabel Giray (Anja Randecker), The Saddle Connection Graph of the Golden L.

Benedikt Pfahls (Beatrice Pozzetti), Universal Constants in 3-Dimensional Hyperbolic Manifolds.
Jannis Heising (Beatrice Pozzetti), Algorihtmic implementation of the solution to the word problem in Right-Angled Artin groups.

Christian Alber (Gabriele Benedetti), Blaschke Conjecture and Hopf Rigidity.
Jonas von Berg (Gabriele Benedetti and Matthias Bartelmann), Singularity Theorems with an emphasis on the interplay of low regularity and energy conditions.
Noam von Rotberg (Beatrice Pozzetti), Reflection length in affine Coxeter groups.

Caroline Edmaier (Peter Albers), Sharkovsky's Theorem. A direct proof and further observations.
Katharina Krapf (Anna Wienhard), Die Penrose-Parkettierung mit Drachen und Pfeil.
Tobias Schröder (Anna Wienhard), Scaling limits of random trees.
Ferdinand Vanmaele (Beatrice Pozzetti), Coxeter groups, the Davis complex, and isolated flats.
Johannes Wenzel (Gabriele Benedetti), Kreishomöomorphismen - Aspekte eines dynamischen Systems.
Levin Maier (Peter Albers), Reidemeistertorsion in der Morse-Novikov-Theorie.

Lukas Bohsung (Beatrice Pozzetti), Über die Hyperbolizität des Kurvengraphen.
David Schultz

Kira-Maria Rolli (Anna Wienhard), Die Definition der euklidischen Geometrie über die Abstandsfunktion.
Markus Schreiber (Anna Wienhard), The pentagrid as a device for the study of Penrose tilings.

Gautam Dilip Banhatti (Peter Albers), Billards in n-dimensionalen Ellipsoiden.
Fabian Cejka (Anna Wienhard), Jørgensen Lemma.

Anna-Maria Vocke (Peter Albers), Das Poincaré-Birkhoff Fixpunkttheorem und Anwendungen auf Billards.
Kevin Wiegand (Peter Albers), Die Pentagrammabbildung.

Wolfgang Galetzka (Anna Wienhard).

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