Publikationen Alexander Schmidt
Mathematische Artikel
Preprints Sonstiges
Mathematische Artikel
- Homotopy invariance of the tame homotopy groups of regular schemes
manuscripta mathematica 176, 4 (2025)
- The tame site of a scheme
(mit K. Hübner)
Invent. math., 223 (2021), 379–443
- On the étale site of a
marked scheme
Contemporary Math., vol 770 (2021), 94-101
- On quasi-purity of the
branch locus
Manuscripta Math. 161 (2020), 325-331
- Poitou-Tate duality for
arithmetic schemes (mit T. Geisser)
Compositio Mathematica 154 (2018) 2020-2044
- Tame Class Field Theory
for Singular Varieties over Finite Fields (mit T. Geisser)
Journal EMS Volume 19, Issue 11, 2017, 3467–3488
- Anabelian geometry with
étale homotopy types (mit J. Stix)
Annals of Math. 184 (2016), Issue 3, 817-868
- Tame Class Field Theory
for Singular Varieties over Algebraically Closed Fields (mit
T. Geisser)
Documenta Math. 21 (2016) 91-123
- Свойство K(π,1) для
неособых отмеченных кривых над конечными полями (Die
K(π,1)-Eigenschaft für markierte Kurven über endlichen
Körpern. russ., mit Ph. Lebacque).
Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 79:5 (2015), 193–200
- A Survey on Class Field
Theory for Varieties
"Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory",
Contempory Mathematics 637, 2015, 301-306
- Motivic aspects of
anabelian geometry
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 63, 2012,
Galois–Teichmüller Theory and Arithmetic Geometry, pp. 503-517
- Über Pro-p-Fundamentalgruppen
markierter arithmetischer Kurven
J. reine u. angew. Math. 640 (2010) 203-235
- On different notions of
tameness in arithmetic geometry (mit M.Kerz)
Math. Ann. 346 (2010) 641-668
- Covering data and higher
dimensional class field theory (mit M.Kerz)
J. of Number Theory 129 (2009), 2569-2599
- On the K(π,1)-property for
rings of integers in the mixed case
RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B12 (2009), 91-100
- Pro-p groups of
positive deficiency (mit J.A.Hillman)
Bull. London Math. Soc., 40 (2008), 1065-1069
- Rings of integers of type
Documenta Mathematica 12 (2007), 441-471
- Singular homology of
arithmetic schemes
Algebra & Number Theory 1 no.2 (2007), 183-222
- Some applications of
Wiesend's higher dimensional class field theory
Mathematische Zeitschrift 256 (2007), 731-736
- Circular sets of prime
numbers and p-extensions of the rationals
J. reine u. angew. Math. 596 (2006), 115-130
- Higher dimensional class
field theory from a topological point of view
Algebraic number theory and related topics, Surikaisekikenkyusho
Kokyuroku (RIMS Proceedings) 10 (2005), 168-178
- Tame class field theory for
arithmetic schemes
Invent. Math. 160 (2005), 527--565
- Generic Injectivity for
Étale Cohomology and Pretheories (mit K. Zainoulline)
J. of Algebra 263 (2003), 215-227
- On the relation between 2
and ∞ in Galois cohomology of number fields
Compos. Math. 131 (2002), 1-22
- Tame coverings of
arithmetic schemes
Math. Annalen 322 (2002) 1-18
- Singular homology and class
field theory of varieties over finite fields (mit M.Spieß)
J. reine u. angew. Math. 527 (2000) 13-36
- Safarevic's theorem on
solvable groups as Galois groups (mit K.Wingberg)
Publiziert als Kapitel 9.5 in "Cohomology of Number Fields"
Springer 2000
- On Poitou's duality theorem
J. reine u. angew. Math. 517 (1999) 145-160
- Coarse geometry via
Grothendieck topologies
Math. Nachr. 203 (1999), 159-173
- On p-adic zeta-functions
associated to the positive topology of algebraic number fields
Publ. RIMS Kyoto 33 (1997) 151-166
- Bounded defect in partial
Euler characteristics
Bull. London Math. Soc. 28 (1996), 463-464
- An arithmetic site for the
rings of integers of algebraic number fields
Invent. Math. 123 (1996), 575-610
- Extensions with
restricted ramification and duality for arithmetic schemes
Compos. Math. 100 (1996), 233-245
- Positively ramified
extensions of algebraic number fields
J. reine u.angew. Math. 458 (1995), 93-126
- On the fundamental group of
a smooth arithmetic surface (mit K.Wingberg)
Math. Nachr. 152 (1992), 19-36
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