While our web site has
these pages will be left in
the status quo April 2023 for future perusal.
Current Courses
Past Courses
Winter 2022/23
- Lecture: String Theory
- Pro-Seminar: Symmetric Functions
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2022
- Lecture: Lie groups and representation theory
- Pro-Seminar: The mathematical inevitability of quantum mechanics
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2021/22
- Lecture: String Theory
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2021
- Seminar: Supergeometry
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2020/21
- Vorlesung: Höhere Mathematik für´s Studium der Physik III
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2020
- Vorlesung: Höhere Mathematik für's Studium der Physik II
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2019/20
- Seminar: Mirror Symmetry
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2019
- Lecture: Lie Groups and Representation Theory
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2018/19
- Lecture: Topics in Supersymmetry
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2018
- Vorlesung: Höhere Mathematik für's Studium der Physik II
- Seminar: Holography and large-N dualities
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2017/18
- Lecture: Supergeometry and Supergravity
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2017
- Lecture: Differential Geometry I
- Seminar: Physical Applications of Topological Quantum Field Theory
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2016/17
- Vorlesung: Höhere Mathematik für's Studium der Physik III
- Pro-Seminar: Mathematical aspects of (classical) mechanics
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Summer 2016
- Vorlesung: Höhere Mathematik für's Studium der Physik II
- Seminar: Supersymmetry in Geometry and Quantum Physics (bis)
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics
Winter 2015/16
- Lecture: Lie groups and representation theory
- Seminar: Supersymmetry in geometry and quantum physics
- Über-Seminar: Physical Mathematics