Differential Geometry Research Group

GEAR Network

The research group in differential geometry is a node of the GEAR Network, which is funded by a $5M grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation's Research Networks in Mathematical Sciences (RNMS) program. The acronym GEAR stands for GEometric structures And Representation varieties and reflects the mathematical focus of the network.

The GEAR Network brings together researchers from 46 nodes in the U.S., Canada and Europe working in the area of GEometric structures And Representation varieties (GEAR). Its goal is to promote research interactions between network members, to facilitate cross-pollination of ideas between different research communities, and to train students and researchers to cross traditional mathematical boundaries.

Members of the research group, as well as all graduate students and postdocs at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Heidelberg are eligible for funding through the GEAR network. For more information about GEAR and its programs follow this link.

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