Extending Intersection Homology Type Invariants to Non-Witt Spaces,
Computing Twisted Signatures and L-Classes of Stratified Spaces
Self-Dual Sheaves on the Reductive Borel-Serre Compactification
Triangulations of 3-Dimensional Pseudomanifolds with an
Computing Twisted Signatures and L-Classes of Non-Witt Spaces.
Generalized Arf Invariants in Algebraic L-Theory. (with Andrew Ranicki),
On Topological Invariants of Stratified Maps with non-Witt Target.
The L-Class of non-Witt Spaces.
Combinatorial Random Walks on 3-Manifolds.
The Signature of Partially Defined Local Coefficient Systems,
Der topologische Raumbegriff in der Mathematik (doc),
Rational Generalized Intersection Homology Theories,
Singular Spaces and Generalized Poincaré Complexes,
Intersection Spaces, Spatial Homology Truncation, and String Theory (pdf),
The Signature of Singular Spaces and its Refinements to Generalized Homology
Knots, Singular Embeddings, and Monodromy (pdf)
(with S. Cappell and J. Shaneson),
The Mathematics of Knots: Theory and Application
(with D. Vogel, eds.), Contributions in Mathematical
First Cases of Intersection Spaces in Stratification Depth 2 (pdf), J. of Singularities 5 (2012), pp. 57 - 84.
Intersection Spaces and Hypersurface Singularities (pdf) (with L. Maxim), J. of Singularities 5 (2012), pp. 48 - 56.
Deformation of Singularities and the Homology of
Intersection Spaces (pdf)
(with L. Maxim),
The Tensor Product of Function Semimodules (pdf),
Isometric Group Actions and the Cohomology of
Flat Fiber Bundles (pdf),
Intersection Spaces, Perverse Sheaves and Type IIB String
Theory (pdf) (with N. Budur
and L. Maxim),
Positive Topological Quantum Field Theories (pdf),
Refined Intersection Homology on non-Witt Spaces (pdf)
(with P. Albin, E. Leichtnam, R. Mazzeo, P. Piazza),
High-Dimensional Topological Field Theory, Positivity, and
Exotic Smooth Spheres (pdf),
Foliated Stratified Spaces and a De Rham Complex Describing
Intersection Space Cohomology (pdf),
Intersection Spaces, Equivariant Moore Approximation and the Signature
Topological and Hodge L-Classes of Singular Covering Spaces and
The L-Homology Fundamental Class for IP-Spaces and the
Stratified Novikov Conjecture (pdf)
Hodge Theory for Intersection Space Cohomology (pdf)
Gysin Restriction of Topological and Hodge-Theoretic Characteristic Classes
for Singular Spaces
The Uniqueness Theorem for Gysin Coherent Characteristic Classes of
Singular Spaces (pdf)
Bundle Transfer of L-Homology Orientation Classes for Singular Spaces
Stratified Simple Homotopy Type: Theory and Computation
Transfer and the Spectrum-Level Siegel-Sullivan KO-Orientation for
Singular Spaces (pdf),
Topological Gysin Coherence for Algebraic Characteristic Classes of
Singular Spaces (pdf)
Link Bundles and Intersection Spaces of Complex Toric Varieties
The Equivariant L-Class of Pseudomanifolds
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