A 3136 cap in AG(4,32).
For more information see Large caps in small spaces.
The prime polynomial used to generate GF(32) is: X5+X2+1.
The element f=aX4+bX3+cX2+dX+e, a,b,c,d,e in {0,1},
is written as the number a*16+b*8+c*4+d*2+e. The numbers are written decimal always with two digts, so "00"=0, "01"=1,... .
The weight distribution:
A'0= 1,
A'2936= 2883,
A'3002= 961,
A'3004= 43245,
A'3006= 158565,
A'3008= 13299,
A'3010= 12276,
A'3014= 158565,
A'3016= 95139,
A'3018= 190278,
A'3020= 95139,
A'3022= 31713,
A'3024= 158565,
A'3026= 1522224,
A'3028= 1902780,
A'3030= 2441901,
A'3032= 2949309,
A'3033= 253704,
A'3034= 2790744,
A'3035= 192200,
A'3036= 1902780,
A'3037= 824538,
A'3038= 3900699,
A'3039= 761112,
A'3040= 3076161,
A'3042= 3551856,
A'3044= 2410188,
A'3046= 348843,
A'3048= 126852,
A'3050= 443982,
A'3052= 475695,
A'3054= 475695,
A'3056= 570834,
A'3062= 475695,
A'3064= 792825,
A'3066= 221991,
A'3068= 170097,
A'3101= 62,
A'3132= 4092,
A'3134= 3100,
A'3136= 3844,