Abstract: Let k be a global field, p an odd prime number different from
char(k) and S, T disjoint, finite sets of primes of k. Let
GST(k)(p)=Gal(kST(p)/k) be the Galois group of the maximal
p-extension of k which is unramified outside S and completely
split at T. We prove the existence of a finite set of primes
S0, which can be chosen disjoint from any given set M of
Dirichlet density zero, such that the cohomology of GS∪ S0T(k)(p)
coincides with the étale cohomology of the
associated marked arithmetic curve. In particular, cd GS∪ S0T(k)(p)=2.
Furthermore, we can choose S0 in such a way that kS∪ S0T(p) realizes the maximal p-extension k℘(p) of the local field k℘ for all ℘ ∈ S ∪ S0, the cup-product H1(GS∪ S0T(k)(p),Fp) &otimes H1(GS∪ S0T(k)(p),Fp) → H2(GS∪ S0T(k)(p),Fp) is surjective and the decomposition groups of the primes in S establish a free product inside GS∪ S0T(k)(p). This generalizes previous work of the author where similar results were shown in the case T=∅ under the restrictive assumption (p, Cl(k))=1 and ζp∉ k. |
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