About me
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the ENS de Lyon.
I work in the research group of Laurent Berger.
My research interests are p-adic Galois representations and their (φ, Γ)-modules, p-adic Hodge-Theory and rigid analytic geometry. I completed my Ph.D. in September 2022 under the supervision of Otmar Venjakob.
- Iwasawa cohomology of analytic (φ, Γ)-modules. (2024, Acta Arithmetica, arXiv link )
- Finiteness of analytic cohomology of Lubin-Tate (φ, Γ)-modules (2024, Journal of Number Theory arXiv link)
- On the higher analytic vectors of B_e (2024).(preprint)
- ε -isomorphisms for rank one (φ,Γ)-modules over Lubin-Tate Robba rings. Joint with Milan Malcic, Otmar Venjakob and Max Witzelsperger; (2024) (preprint)
- Comparisons of Lie algebra cohomologies of (φ,Γ)-modules (2023). (preprint)
- Analytic cohomology of families of L-analytic Lubin-Tate (φ, Γ)-modules. (Ph.D.-Thesis 2022)
- Winter 2023/2024: Algebraische Zahlentheorie 1.
- Winter 2022/2023: Algebra 1.
- Winter 2021/2022: Lineare Algebra 1.
- Summer 2021: p-adische Hodge-Theorie 2
- Winter 2020/2021: p-adische Hodge-Theorie 1.
- Summer 2020: Themen der nicht-kommutativen Algebra
- Summer 2019: Funktionentheorie 1
E-Mail: rsteingart (at) mathi.uni-heidelberg.de
My office adress can be found here.