From classical to non-commutative Iwasawa theory - an introduction to the GL_2 main conjecture

       Autors: O. Venjakob
       Titel:  From classical to non-commutative Iwasawa theory - an introduction to the GL_2 main conjecture
       Jahr: 2005
       Seiten: 16
       In: European Congress of Mathematics, Stockholm, June 27 -July 2, 2004, Ari Laptev (Editor), EMS (2005).

      Abstract: This paper, which is an extended version of my talk ‘The GL2 main conjecture for elliptic curves without complex multiplication’ given on the 4ECM, aims to give a survey on recent developments in non-commutative Iwasawa theory. It is written mainly for non-experts and does not contain neither proofs nor any new results, but hopefully serves as introduction to the original articles [4, 33]. Also, technical details are sometimes placed into footnotes in order to keep the main text as easily accessible as possible.
