photograph by Julia Lauer
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Mathematisches Institut
Neuenheimer Feld 205 (R 03/307)
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-(0)6221-5414205
jschmidt AT
Research interests:
Etale and A1 Homotopy Theory, Section Conjecture of Anabelian Geometry.
SS 2017: Lecture "Etalkohomologie IV".
WS 2016/17: Lecture "Etalkohomologie III".
SS 2016: Lecture "Etalkohomologie II".
WS 2015/16: Exercises for lecture "Etalkohomologie", taught by Alexander Schmidt.
WS 2015/16: Seminar "Schnitttheorie algebraischer Varietäten" (with Malte Witte).
SS 2015: Seminar "Brauer Groups and Cohomological Brauer Groups" (with Tobias Sitte).
WS 2014/15: Seminar "Funktionentheorie mehrerer Veränderlicher" (with Hendrik Kasten).
SS 2015: Seminar "Riemannsche Flächen" (with Hendrik Kasten).
SS 2015: Seminar "Geometrische Konstruktionen" (with Denis Vogel).
WS 2014/15: Exercises for lecture "Elementare Geometrie", taught by Denis Vogel.
SS 2014: Seminar "Bewertungstheorie" (with Alexander Schmidt).