Heidelberg Geometry Seminars and related events
Summer semester 2021

The Geometry Seminar (GS) is the common seminar of the Differential Geometry Group and the Symplectic Geometry Group. It takes place on Tuesdays, usually at 13:00.

The Differential Geometry Seminar (DGS) takes place on Thursdays at 14:00.

The Symplectic Geometry Seminar (SGS) takes place via Zoom on Wednesdays at 11:15. Please join Müsli to receive the link per email.

The RTG Colloquium (RTG) is organized together with people from Karlsruhe. Please note that this year, the colloquium is separate from the RTG days.
It takes place on Tuesdays, starting at 2:00 with a get together with the speaker, at 2:30 is a coffee break followed by the talk at 2:45 (NOTE THE SHIFT FROM EARLIER).
More details about the RTG Colloquium can be found here.

Additional events are listed in the second table.

Please contact one of the organizers James Farre, Lucas Dahinden or Irene Seifert if you would like to suggest a speaker, or if you want an event promoted on this webpage.

Date and time Speaker Title Seminar
Tue 20 April RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 27. April Tsachik Gelander (Rehovot) TBA RTG Colloquium
Tue 4. Mai RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 11. Mai Yair Minsky (Yale) TBA RTG Colloquium
Tue 18. Mai RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 25. Mai Louis Merlin (Aachen) On the relations between the universal Teichmüller space and Anti-de-Sitter geometry GS
Tue 1. June RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 8. June Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield) TBA RTG Colloquium
Tue 15. June RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 22. June (1 hour later than usual) Nir Lazarovich (Haifa) TBA RTG Colloquium
Tue 29. June RTG Lecture Lecture RTG
Tue 6. July Colin Guillarmou (Orsay) Spectral theory of higher rank Anosov action and SRB measures GS
Tue 13. July (11am, Hörsaal) Richard Schwartz (Providence) The spheres of sol GS
Tue 13. July Hugo Parlier (Luxembourg) Curves, surfaces and intersection GS
Thu 15. July (11am, Hörsaal) Michael Harrison (Pittsburgh) Borsuk-Ulam and some applications - old and new GS
Thu 15. July (2pm) Anastasiia Sharipova (Penn state) Viterbo's conjecture for the Ekeland-Hofer-Zehnder capacity SGS
Tue 20. July (Unusual time 15:00) Simion Filip (Chicago) A cyclotomic family of thin hypergeomteric groups GS
Wed 21. July Johann Bouilly (Strassbourg) Torelli group action on SU(n)-character varieties SGS

Archive of past seminars: Winter 2020/21 | Summer 2020 | Winter 2019/20 | Summer 2019 | Winter 2018/19 | Summer 2018 | Winter 2017/18 | Summer 2017 | Winter 2016/17| Combined Archive

The following table shows additional math-events.

Date/Place Event
Weekly, Monday 4-6 pm Junior Geometry Seminar
Weekly, Wednesday 14:15-15:45 Symplectic Topics Seminar

Heidelberg Geometry Seminar