Evelyne Bachmann
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Past lectures
Lehre im Wintersemester 2022/23
Lehre in Präsenz Dieses Semester finden die Veranstaltungen wieder vorwiegend in Präsenz statt. Die Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Stets gilt, bitte bei Müsli anmelden, um alle Informationen zu erhalten.
Die Veranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppen Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Vorlesungen/Lectures | ||
Differential Geometry 2: Symmetric Spaces | Max Riestenberg | Mo / Do, 9 - 11 |
Kontaktgeometrie | Kevin Wiegand | Mo / Do, 11 - 13 |
Lagrangian Torus Fibrations | Peter Albers | Mi, 9 - 11 |
(Big) Mapping Class Groups | Anja Randecker | Mi, 9 - 11; Fr, 11 - 13 |
Real algebraic varieties | Florent Schaffhauser | Mi / Fr, 11 - 13 |
RTG Lectures | biweekly on Tuesdays | |
(Pro-)Seminare/(Pro-)Seminars | ||
Fun Facts aus Analysis und Linearer Algebra | Anna Schilling | Mo/Mi 9 - 11, (am 21.10 und ab Mitte November) |
Illustrating Mathematics (HEGL) | Diaaeldin Taha | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Minimal Surfaces | Peter Smillie | Fr, 9 - 11 |
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar) | (DG, SG, GS) | Mo, 16-18 |
Lyapunov exponents and random matrix products | James Farre | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Pseudoholomorphic curves in Hamiltonian dynamics | Richard Siefring | Di, 16 - 18 |
Sheaf Theory | Florent Schaffhauser | Mi, 16 - 18 |
Vorwiegend Lehre in Präsenz Dieses Semester finden die Veranstaltungen wieder vorwiegend in Präsenz statt. Die Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Dennoch gilt, bitte bei Müsli anmelden, um alle Informationen zu erhalten.
Die Veranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppen Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Vorlesungen/Lectures | ||
Differentialgeometrie 1 | Dr. Kevin Wiegand | Mi, 16-18; Fr, 14-16 |
Geometric invariant theory and nonabelian Hodge correspondence | Dr. Pengfei Huang | Di / Do, 9 - 11 |
Homogeneous dynamics on surfaces | JProf. James Farre | Di / Do, 9 - 11, starting 14.6.2022 |
Einführung in die Geometrie | JProf. Beatrice Pozzetti, Dr. Anja Randecker | Di / Fr, 9 - 11 |
Computational Group Theory | Dr. Marek Kaluba | Di / Do, 11 - 13 |
RTG Lectures | biweekly on Tuesdays | |
(Pro-)Seminare/(Pro-)Seminars | ||
Informationsgeometrie (Blockseminar) | PD Dr. Jan Swoboda | Fr, 11 - 15, 14-tägig, ab 3.6.22 |
Experimental Geometry and Math Visualization (HEGL) | Dr. Diaaeldin Taha | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar) | (DG, SG, GS) | Mo, 16-18 |
Topics in symplectic dynamics (reading seminar) | Prof. Peter Albers | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Junior PhD Seminar Geometry + Dynamics | (DG, SG, GS) | Fr, 18 - 20 (bi-weekly) |
Reading Seminars | |||
Affine buildings | Anncouncement | Fernando Camacho Cadena, Colin Davalo, Merik Niemeyer | Wed, 11:00 - 12:30 |
AdS geometry and representations | Anncouncement | Fernando Camacho Cadena, Merik Niemeyer | Mon, 11:00 - 12:30 |
Geometric deep learning | Valentina Disarlo, Marta Magnani, Diaaeldin Taha | Wed, 9:30 - 10:45 |
Vorwiegend Lehre in Präsenz Dieses Semester finden die Veranstaltungen wieder vorwiegend in Präsenz statt. Die Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Dennoch gilt, bitte bei Müsli anmelden, um alle Informationen zu erhalten.
Die Veranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppen Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Vorlesungen/Lectures | ||
Höhere Mathematik (Analysis III) | Prof. Peter Albers | Mi/Fr, 9 - 11 |
Geometric Group Theory | JProf. Dr. Beatrice Pozzetti | Di/Do, 9-11 |
Differential Geometry II | Dr. Alexandre Jannaud | Di/Do, 11-13 |
Complex Geometry | Dr. Simone Noja & Dr. Luca Battistella | Mo/Mi, 9-11 |
A first course in dynamical system and ergodic theory | Dr. Xian Dai | Mo, 16-17:40; Fr. 14-15:40 |
Morse Theory | Dr. Richard Siefring | Di/Do, 14 - 16 |
Fun Facts aus Analysis und linearer Algebra | Dr. Anna Schilling | Mo, 9-11 |
Seminare/Seminars | ||
Journal Club Topological Data Analysis | Maximilian Schmahl | Mo, 11-13 |
Topics in symplectic dynamics (reading seminar) | Prof. Peter Albers | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Selected works of the Abel Prize winners 2021 Lovasz and Wigderson | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Felix Joos | Mo/Fr, 14-16 (Nov&Dec) |
Experimental Geometry and Math Visualization (HEGL) | Dr. Brice Loustau, Dr. Anja Randecker | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Digitale Lehre: Auch dieses Semester startet online. Die Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Um auch alle Informationen und Zugangsdaten zu erhalten, bitte bei Müsli anmelden.
Die Veranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppen Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Vorlesungen/Lectures | ||
Lineare Algebra II | Prof. Anna Wienhard | Di/Do, 9 - 11 |
Analysis II | Prof. Peter Albers | Mi, 9 - 11 / Fr. 11 - 13 |
Differential Geometry 1 | Dr. Richard Siefring | Di, 16 - 18 / Mi, 14 - 16 |
Topology of 3-manifolds | Dr. Guilio Belletti | Di, 16 - 18 / Mi, 14 - 16 |
Introduction to Control Theory | Dr. Lucas Dahinden | Fr, 11 - 13 |
Geometrische Aspekte in Analysis und Linearer Algebra | Anna Schilling | Mo, 9 - 11 |
Seminare/Seminars | ||
Journal Club Topological Data Analysis | Maximilian Schmahl | Mo, 11-13 |
Topics in symplectic dynamics (reading seminar) | Dr. Lucas Dahinden | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Supergeometry | Prof. Johannes Walcher, Dr. Luca Battistella, Dr. Simone Noja | Di, 12 - 14 |
HEGL Student Seminar | Dr. Brice Loustau, Dr. Anja Randecker | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Geometric Quantization | JProf. Gabriele Benedetti, J. Bimmermann, Davide Legacci, Steffen Schmidt | Do, 14 - 16 |
Dynamics in one complex variable | JProf. Gabriele Benedetti, JProf. Beatrice Pozzetti | Block: 12./19. Juni |
Digitale Lehre: Auch dieses Semester startet online. Die Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Um auch alle Informationen und Zugangsdaten zu erhalten, bitte bei Müsli anmelden.
Die Veranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppen Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Vorlesungen/Lectures | ||
Lineare Algebra I | Prof. Anna Wienhard | Di/Do, 9 - 11 |
Analysis I | Prof. Peter Albers | Mi, 9-11 / Fr. 11-13 |
Differential Geometry 2 | JProf. Beatrice Pozzetti | Di/Do, 9-11 |
Hyperbolic Manifolds | Dr. Gabriele Viaggi | Di, 11-13 / Mi, 16-18 |
Fun Facts aus Analysis und Linearer Algebra | Anna Schilling | Mo, 9 - 11 |
Seminare/Seminars | ||
Journal Club Topological Data Analysis | Maximilian Schmahl | Mo, 11-13 |
Mathematical Aspects of Classical Mechanics | V. Assenza, JProf. G. Benedetti, J. Bimmermann, A-M. Vocke | Mo, 14-16 |
Bridgeland's stability for meromorphic differentials | Prof. P. Albers, JProf. B. Pozzetti, Prof. A. Wienhard | Mo, 17-18 |
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Sub-Riemannian geometry | Dr. Lucas Dahinden | Mi 14-16 |
Die wunderschöne Welt der Konvexität | JProf. Gabriele Benedetti | Di, 9 - 11 |
Spektralgeometrie | PD Dr. Jan Swoboda | Mi, 14 - 16 |
Digitale Lehre: Die Veranstaltungen dieses Semester finden (zumindest am Anfang) online statt. Genaue Details stehen auf der Webseite der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.
Um auch alle Informationen und Zugangsdaten zu erhalten, bitte bei Müsli anmelden.
Neue Darstellung: Hier werden ab nun die Veranstaltungen der folgenden Geometrie-Arbeitsgruppen aufgelistet: Differentialgeometrie (DG), Symplektische Geometrie (SG) und Geometrische Analysis (GA)
Kontaktgeometrie (Prof. Dr. Peter Albers, SG), Mo 14-16
Differentialgeometrie I (Dr. Sebastian Heller, DG), Mo 14-16, Mi 11-13
RTG-Vorlesung: The top Lyapunv exponent (Dr. Thi Ndang, DG), Di 13:30-15:00
Translation Surfaces (JProf. Dr. Beatrice Pozzetti, DG), Do 11-13, Fr 14-16
Variational Methods for convex Hamiltonian Systems (JProf. Dr. Gabriele Benedetti, SG), Mo 11-13
Harmonische Abbildungen (Dr. Sebastian Heller, DG), Mo 16-18
Journal Club: Topological Methods in Data Analysis (Prof. Anna Wienhard, Michael Bleher, Maximilian Schmal und Daniel Spitz), Di 16 - 18
Geometric Hydrodynamics meet Dynamical Data Analysis (Prof. Dr. Peter Albers, SG), Mi 9-11
Topics in symplectic dynamics: h-Principle (Dr. Lucas Dahinden, SG), Mi 14-16
Proseminar/Seminar Kurven und Flächen (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jan Swoboda, AG), Mi 14-16
Mathematische Eichtheorie (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jan Swoboda, AG), Mi 16-18
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (Amin Mohebbi, SG), Do 11-13
More on Higher Teichmüller Theory via Higgs Bundles: Meromorphic Differentials, Quivers and Calabi-Yau manifolds, Fr 9 - 11
Hauptseminar Geometrie (Geometry Seminar) (DG, SG, AG), Di 13-15
Hauptseminar Differentialgeometrie (Differential Geometry Seminar) (DG), Do 13:45-15:15
Hauptseminar Symplektische Geometrie (SG), Mi 11-13
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar) (DG, SG, AG), Mo 16-18
Q&A-lunch, Do 12:30 - 13:30, INF 205, Besprechungsraum 3. Stock (3.414)
Wintersemester 2019/2020
Vorlesung Geometrische Gruppentheorie, Mo 11-13/Mi 16-18, INF 205, SR C
Vorlesung Geometrische Analysis, Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 8
Seminar Higgs Bundles, Fr 9 - 11, INF 205, SR 4
Hauptseminar Geometrie (Geometry Seminar), Di 13-15, INF 205. SR C
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Symplectic Capacities (Prof. Gabriele Benedetti, SG), Mi 14-16
Seminar Differentialgeometrie (Differential Geometry Seminar), Do 14-15, INF 205, SR 5
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar), Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Q&A-lunch, Do 13:00 - 13:30, INF 205, Besprechungsraum 3. Stock (3.414)
Sommersemester 2019
Vorlesung Geometric Methods in Data Analysis, Di 16-18, INF 205, SR C
Vorlesung Geometry of Quiver Varieties, Mi 09-11/Fr 09-11, INF 205, SR A
Vorlesung Hyperbolic Surfaces, Fr 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "Dynamics on Teichmüller spaces", Do 9-11, INF 205, SR 3
Seminar "High dimensional geometry and probability with a view towards applications in data science", June 28 & July 5, INF 205, SR 4
Hauptseminar Geometrie (Geometry Seminar), Di 13-15, INF 205, SR C
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Holomorphic curves in Low Dimensions (Dr. Urs Fuchs, SG), Mi 14-16
Seminar Differentialgeometrie, Do 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar), Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Hauptseminar Differentialgeometrie, Do 13-15, INF 205, SR 5
Wintersemester 2018/2019
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie II, Mo 14-16/Do 11-13, INF 205, SR 5
Vorlesung Introduction to hyperbolic surfaces, Mo 9-11/Do 14-16, INF 294, -101
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "The symplectic structure of representation varieties", Do 9-11, INF 205, SR 4
Hauptseminar Geometrie (Geometry Seminar), Di 13-16, INF 205, SR C
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Floer Homology (Dr. Urs Fuchs, SG), Mi 14-16
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar), Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Hauptseminar Differentialgeometrie, Do 13-15, INF 205, SR 3
Sommersemester 2018
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie I, Di 9-11, INF 205, SR B / Do 9-11, INF 205, SR C
Vorlesung Translation surfaces, Mi 14-16, INF 205, SR 8 / Do 14-16, INF 205, Raum 0/200
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "Groups acting on trees", Di 16-18, INF 205, SR 3
Proseminar "Topologie", Do 14-16, INF 205, SR B
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-16, INF 205, SR C
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Algebraic Methods in the Theory of Integrable Systems (Michael Gekhtman, SG), Mi 14-16
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar), Do 13-14, INF 205, SR C
Reading Seminar Differentialgeometrie, Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Wintersemester 2017/2018
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie II, Di/Do 9-11, INF 205, SR C
Vorlesung Geometrische Gruppentheorie, Mo 9-11/Do 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "Riemann Surfaces and Teichmüller Theory", Fr 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Seminar "Gebäude", Mo 14-16, INF 205, SR 7
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 12-14, INF 205, SR C
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Contact Geometry (Dr. Urs Fuchs, SG), Mi 14-16
Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometrie (Junior Geometry Seminar), Do 13-14, INF 205, SR C
Reading Seminar Differentialgeometrie, Do 11:00-13:00, INF 205, SR 6
Seminar Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Mi 11:30-13:00, INF 205, SR 6
Sommersemester 2017
Vorlesung Geometry of Manifolds, Fr 14-18, INF 205, SR 3
Vorlesung Thermodynamic Formalism, Mi/Do 14-16, INF 205, SR 6
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "The Arithmetic of the Hyperbolic plane", Di 16-18, INF 205, SR 4
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 12-14, INF 205, SR B
Topics in symplectic dynamics: Lagrangian submanifolds in cotangent bundles (Dr. Urs Fuchs, SG), Mi 14-16
Junior Geometry Seminar, Mi 14-16, INF 205, SR 3
Wintersemester 2016/2017
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie II, Mi 9-11, INF 205, SR B & Fr 9-11, INF 205, SR 5
RTG Lecture (Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces), Di 10-12 & 15-17, Heidelberg & Karlsruhe
Seminar "Locally homogeneous structures on surfaces", Mi 14-16, INF 205, 02/104
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 205, SR 4
Junior Geometry Seminar, Mi 11-13, INF 205, SR 3
Sommersemester 2016
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie I, Di 11-13, INF 205, HS & Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 1
Vorlesung Einführung in die Geometrie, Mi/Fr 9-11, INF 288, HS 1
Vorlesung Geometry of Surfaces and their Dynamics, Mi 14-16, INF 288, HS 5
Seminar "Geometry of Lie groups", Di 16-18, INF 205, SR 2
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 205, SR 4
Junior Geometry Seminar, Do 13-15, INF 205, SR B
Wintersemester 2015/2016
Höhere Mathematik für Physiker III, Mi 9-11 & Fr 11-13, INF 227, HS 1
Seminar "Geometric Structures on Manifolds", Di 14-16, INF 288, HS 5
Proseminar "Geometrische Gruppentheorie", Mi 11-13, INF 294, -101
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Do 12-14, INF 288, HS 5
Junior Geometry Seminar, Di 11-13, INF 288, HS 3
Sommersemester 2015
Vorlesung Themen der Geometrie, Di/Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 3
Seminar "Introduction to Riemannian Geometry", Do 14-16, INF 288, HS 6
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 288, HS 5
Junior Geometry Seminar, Mi 13-15, INF 294, -102
Wintersemester 2014/2015
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie II, Di/Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 5
Seminar "Differential forms and their use", Do 14-16, INF 294, -104
Seminar "Lie algebras and representation theory", Mi 11-13, INF 288, HS 4
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 288, HS 5
Sommersemester 2014
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie I, Di/Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 4/HS 2
Geometry and topology of surfaces, Mo/Mi 9-11, INF 288, HS 5
Seminar "Knot theory and its applications", Do 14-16, INF 294, -104
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 288, HS 5
Hauptseminar Differentialgeometrie "Hitchin's self-duality equations", Do 9-11, INF 288, HS 3
Wintersemester 2013/2014
Vorlesung Geometrische Gruppentheorie, Di 11-13/Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 4/HS 3
Seminar "Hyperbolic geometry, symmetry groups, and more", Do 14-16, INF 288, HS 2
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 13-15, INF 288, HS 5
Hauptseminar "Earthquakes", Do 9-11, INF 288, HS 3
Sommersemester 2013
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie II, Di 9-11/Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 5
Seminar "Characteristic Classes", Do 14-16, INF 288, HS 1
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 12-14, INF 288, HS 5
Hauptseminar "Quadratic differentials and beyond", Do 9-11, INF 288, HS 5
Wintersemester 2012/2013
Vorlesung Differentialgeometrie I, Di/Do 9-11, INF 288, HS 3
Seminar "Curves and Surfaces", Do 11-13, INF 288, HS 5
Hauptseminar Geometrie, Di 12-14, INF 288, HS 5
Hauptseminar "Higgs bundles and projective structures", Mi 10:30-12:00, INF 288, HS 6
Research Station Geometry + Dynamics - Contact: |