Bibliography on Euclidean Rings

  1. A. G. Agargün, Nagata's theorem, Math. Japon. 43 (1996), no. 3, 421--423;
  2. A. G. Agargün, On Euclidean rings Proyecciones 16 (1997), no. 1, 23--36;
  3. A. G. Agargün, C. R. Fletcher, Euclidean rings, Turkish. J. Math. 19 (1995), 291--299
  4. R. Akhtar, Cyclotomic Euclidean Number Fields, Senior Thesis, Harvard Univ. 1995
  5. K. Amano, A remark on Euclidean algorithm, Bull. Fac. Gen. Ed. Gifu Univ. 1981, no. 17 (1982), 55--56; correction
  6. K. Amano, A note on Euclidean ring, Bull. Fac. Gen. Ed. Gifu Univ. No. 20 (1984), 13--15 (1985)
  7. K. Amano, On 2-stage Euclidean ring and Laurent series, Bull. Fac. Gen. Ed. Gifu Univ. No. 22 (1986), 83--86 (1987)
  8. K. Amano, On the Euclidean modules Bull. Fac. Gen. Ed. Gifu Univ. No. 27 (1991), 63--66
  9. K. Amano, K. Iwata, A Euclidean algorithm on \(M_n(\Delta)\) , Bull. Fac. Gen. Ed. Gifu Univ. No. 23, (1987), 25--29 (1988)
  10. V. S. Atabekyan, The Euclidean algorithm for integer quaternions and the Lagrange theorem (Russ.), Erevan. Gos. Univ. Uchen. Zap. Estestv. Nauki (1993), no. 1 (179), 125--127;
  11. M. Baica, Baica's general Euclidean algorithm (BGEA) and the solution of Fermat's last theorem, Notes Number Theory Discrete Math. 1 (1995), no. 3, 120--134
  12. R. P. Bambah, {\em Some Results in The Geometry of Numbers}, Cambridge University Thesis 1950
  13. R. P. Bambah, Nonhomogeneous binary quadratic forms I, Acta Math. 86 (1951), 1--29;
  14. R. P. Bambah, Nonhomogeneous binary quadratic forms II, Acta Math. 86 (1951), 31--56;
  15. E.S. Barnes, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. (2) 1 (1950), 199--210;
  16. E.S. Barnes, Note on non-homogeneous linear forms, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49 (1953), 360--362
  17. E.S. Barnes, The inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic forms IV, Acta Math. 92 (1954), 235--264
  18. E.S. Barnes, H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer, The inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic forms I, Acta Math. 87 (1952), 259--323;
  19. E.S. Barnes, H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer, The inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic forms II, Acta Math. 88 (1952), 279--316;
  20. E.S. Barnes, H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer, The inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic forms III, Acta Math. 92 (1954), 199-234;
  21. E. Bedocchi, L'anneau \({\mathbb Z}[\sqrt{14}]\) et l'algorithme Euclidien, Manuscripta math. 53 (1985), 199--216;
  22. E. Bedocchi, On the second minimum of a quadratic form and its applications, (Ital.), Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (4) 15 (1989), 175--190;
  23. H. Behrbohm, L. Redei, Der Euklidische Algorithmus in quadratischen Zahlkörpern, J. Reine Angew. Math. 174 (1936), 192--205;
  24. E. Berg, Über die Existenz eines Euklidischen Algorithmus in quadratischen Zahlkörpern, Kungl. Fysiogr. Saellsk. i Lund Förh. 5 (1935), 53--58;
  25. D. Berend, W. Moran, The inhomogeneous minimum of binary quadratic forms, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 112 (1992), 7--19;
  26. G. B. Birkhoff, Note on certain quadratic number systems for which factorization is unique, Amer. Math. Monthly 13 (1906), 156--159
  27. J. Blöhmer, Euklidische Ringe, Diplomarbeit TU Berlin, 1989
  28. B. Bougaut, Anneaux quasi-euclidiens, Thèse, Université de Poitiers 1976
  29. B. Bougaut, Anneaux quasi-euclidiens, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 284 (1977), 133--136;
  30. B. Bougaut, Algorithme explicite pour la recherche du P.G.C.D. dans certains anneaux principaux d'entiers de corps de nombres, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 11 (1980), 207--220;
  31. G. Branchini, Algoritmo del massimo comun divisore nel corpo delle radici quinte dell'unita, Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Roma (5) 32-1 (1923), 68--72
  32. A. Brauer, On the non-existence of the Euclidean algorithm in certain quadratic number fields, Amer. J. Math. 62 (1940), 697--716;
  33. A. Brudnyi, On Euclidean domains, Commun. Algebra 21 (1993), 3327-3336;
  34. V. Brun, Music and Euclidean algorithms (Norwegian), Nordisk Mat. Tidskr. 9 (1961), 29--36;
  35. V. Brun, Euclidean algorithms and musical theory, Enseignement Math. (2) 10 (1964), 125--137;
  36. H. H. Brungs, Left Euclidean rings, Pacific J. Math. 45 (1973), 27--33
  37. E. Cahen, Sur une note de M. Fontené relative aux entiers algebriques de la forme \(x+y\sqrt{-5}\), Nouv. ann. math. (4) 3 (1903), 444--447
  38. O. A. Campoli, A principal ideal domain that is not a Euclidean domain, American Math. Monthly 95 (1988), 868--871;
  39. D. A. Cardon, A Euclidean ring containing \({\mathbb Z}[\sqrt{14}]\), C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 19 (1997), 28--32
  40. J. W. S. Cassels, The lattice properties of asymmetric hyperbolic regions I, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 44 (1948), 1--7
  41. J. W. S. Cassels, The lattice properties of asymmetric hyperbolic regions II, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 44 (1948), 145--154
  42. J. W. S. Cassels, The lattice properties of asymmetric hyperbolic regions III, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 44 (1948), 457--462
  43. J. W. S. Cassels, The inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic, ternary cubic, and quaternary quartic forms, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 48 (1952), 72--86; Addendum: ibid., 519--520; Corr.: F.J. van der Linden 1983
  44. J. W. S. Cassels, Yet another proof of Minkowski's theorem on the product of two inhomogeneous linear forms, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49 (1953), 365--366;
  45. I. Castro Chadid, Euclidean quadratic fields (Span.), Bol. Mat. 18 (1984), 1--3, 7--21;
  46. M. A. Cauchy, Memoire sur de nouvelles formules relatives a la théorie des polynomes radicaux, et sur le dernier théorème de Fermat I, Comptes rendus Paris 24 (1847), 469 ff; see also \OE uvres X, extr. no. 358, 240--254;
  47. M. A. Cauchy, Memoire sur de nouvelles formules relatives a la théorie des polynomes radicaux, et sur le dernier théorème de Fermat II, Comptes rendus Paris 24 (1847), 516 ff; see also \OE uvres X, extr. no. 359, 254--268;
  48. S. Cavallar, Alcuni esempi di campi di numeri cubici non euclidei rispetto alla norma ma euclidei rispetto ad una norma pesata, Tesi di Laurea, Univ. Trento, 1995
  49. S. Cavallar, F. Lemmermeyer, The Euclidean Algorithm in Cubic Number Fields, Proceedings Number Theory Eger 1996, (Györy, Pethö, Sos eds.), Gruyter 1998, 123--146; ps file;
  50. S. Cavallar, F. Lemmermeyer, Euclidean Windows, dvi file; submitted
  51. J.-P. Cerri, Letter from Nov. 21, 1997
  52. H. Chatland, On the Euclidean algorithm in quadratic number fields, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (1949), 948--953;
  53. H. Chatland, H. Davenport, Euclids algorithm in real quadratic fields, Canad. J. Math. 2 (1950), 289--296;
  54. T. Chella, Dimostrazione dell'essisenza di un algoritmo delle divisioni successive per alcuni corpi circolari, Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata (4) {\bf} 1 (1924), 199--218
  55. W. Y. Chen, M. G. Leu, On Nagata's pairwise algorithm, J. Algebra 165 (1994), no. 1, 194--203
  56. V. Cioffari, The Euclidean condition in pure cubic and complex quartic fields, Math. Comp. 33 (1979), 389--398;
  57. D. A. Clark, The Euclidean algorithm for Galois extensions of the rational numbers, Ph. D. thesis, McGill University, Montreal (1992)
  58. D. A. Clark, A quadratic field which is Euclidean but not norm-Euclidean, Manuscripta math. 83 (1994), 327--330;
  59. D. A. Clark, Non-Galois cubic fields which are Euclidean but not norm-Euclidean, Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 1675--1679;
  60. D. A. Clark, On k-stage Euclidean Algorithms for Galois extensions of Q, Manuscripta Math. 90 (1996), 149--153;
  61. D. A. Clark, M. R. Murty, The Euclidean Algorithm in Galois Extensions of Q, J. Reine Angew. Math. 459 (1995), 151--162;
  62. L. E. Clarke, On the product of three non-homogeneous linear forms, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 47 (1951), 260--265;
  63. L. E. Clarke, Non-homogeneous linear forms associated with algebraic fields, Quart. J. Math. (2) 2 (1951), 308--315
  64. H. J. Claus, Über die Partialbruchzerlegung in nicht notwendig kommutativen euklidischen Ringen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 194 (1955), 88--100
  65. H. Cohen, Hermite and Smith normal form algorithms over Dedekind domains, Math. Comp. 65 (1996), 1681--1699
  66. H. Cohn, J. Deutsch, Use of a computer scan to prove that \({\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{2+\sqrt2})\) and \({\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{3+\sqrt2})\) are Euclidean, Math. Comp. 46 (1986), 295--299
  67. P. M. Cohn, On a generalization of the Euclidean algorithm, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 57 (1961), 18--30
  68. P. M. Cohn, On the structure of the GL(2) of a ring, I.H.E.S. Publ. Math. 30 (1966), 365--413;
  69. P. M. Cohn, A presentation of SL(2) for Euclidean imaginary quadratic fields, Mathematika 15 (1968), 156--163
  70. P. M. Cohn, Euclid's algorithm---since Euclid, Math. Medley 19 (1991), no. 2, 65--72;
  71. A. Coja-Oghlan, Berechnung kubischer euklidischer Zahlkörper, Diplomarbeit FU Berlin, 1999
  72. A. J. Cole, J. T. Davie, A game based on the Euclidean algorithm and a winning strategy for it, Math. Gaz. 53 (1969), 354--357;
  73. V. Collazo, A. Correa, M. Pablo, Revisiting Euclid's algorithm: a geometric point of view, Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Boca Raton, FL, 1994). Congr. Numer. 104 (1994), 7--17.
  74. M. J. Collison, The unique factorization theorem: from Euclid to Gauss, Math. Mag. 53 (1980), 96--100
  75. G. Cooke, The weakening of the Euclidean property for integral domains and application to algebraic number theory I, J. Reine Angew. Math. 282 (1976), 133--156;
  76. G. Cooke, The weakening of the Euclidean property for integral domains and application to algebraic number theory II, J. Reine Angew. Math. 283 (1977), 71--85;
  77. G. Cooke, P. J. Weinberger, On the construction of division chains in algebraic number fields with application to SL(2), Comm. Algebra 2 (1975), 481--524;
  78. M. Cugiani, Osservazioni relative alla questioni dell'esistenza di un algoritmo euclidei nei campi quadratici, Boll. della Unione Math. Italiana 3 (1948), 136--141
  79. M. Cugiani, I campi quadratici e l'algoritmo Euclideo, Periodico di Math. 28 (1950), 52--62, 114--129
  80. H. Davenport, On the product of three homogeneous linear forms I, J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938), 139--145; see also Coll. Works I, 7--13
  81. H. Davenport, On the product of three homogeneous linear forms II, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 44 (1938), 412--431; see also Coll. Works I, 14--33
  82. H. Davenport, On the product of three homogeneous linear forms III, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 45 (1939), 98--125; see also Coll. Works I, 34--61
  83. H. Davenport, Note on the product of three homogeneous linear forms, J. London Math. Soc. 16 (1941), 98--101; see also Coll. Works I, 62--65
  84. H. Davenport, On the product of three homogeneous linear forms IV, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 39 (1943), 1--21; see also Coll. Works I, 66-68
  85. H. Davenport, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms I, Proc. Ned. Akad. Wet. 49 (1946), 815--821; see also Coll. Works I, 167--173
  86. H. Davenport, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms II, Proc. Ned. Akad. Wet. 50 (1947), 378--389; see also Coll. Works I, 174--185
  87. H. Davenport, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms III, Proc. Ned. Akad. Wet. 50 (1947), 484--491; see also Coll. Works I, 186--193
  88. H. Davenport, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms IV, Proc. Ned. Akad. Wet. 50 (1947), 741-749; see also Coll. Works I, 194--211
  89. H. Davenport, On the product of three non-homogeneous linear forms, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 43 (1947), 137--152; see also Coll. Works I, 212--227
  90. H. Davenport, Indefinite binary quadratic forms, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 1 (1950), 54--62; see also Coll. Works I, 395--403
  91. H. Davenport, Euclid's algorithm in cubic fields of negative discriminant, Acta Math. 84 (1950), 159--179; see also Coll. Works I, 374--394
  92. H. Davenport, Euclid's algorithm in certain quartic fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1950), 508--532; see also Coll. Works I, 404--428
  93. H. Davenport, L'algorithme d'Euclide dans certains corps algebriques, Coll. intern. du Centre de la recherche sci. XXIV; Algebrè et theorie des nombres (1950), 41--43
  94. H. Davenport, Indefinite binary quadratic forms and Euclid's algorithm in real quadratic fields, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 53 (1951), 65--82; see also Coll. Works I, 344-361
  95. H. Davenport, Linear forms associated with an algebraic number field, Quart. J. Math. (2) 3 (1952), 32--41; see also Coll. Works II, 552--561
  96. H. Davenport, H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer Products of n inhomogeneous linear forms, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 5 (1955), 474--499; see also Coll. Works of H. Davenport II, 566--591
  97. H. Décoste, Sur les anneaux euclidiens et principaux, Diss. Univ. Montreal 1978
  98. H. Décoste, Des anneaux principaux non euclidiens, Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec 5 (1981), 103--114
  99. R. Dedekind, Supplement to L. Dirichlet, ``Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie'', Braunschweig 1893
  100. K. Dennis, B. Magurn, L. Vaserstein, Generalized Euclidean group rings, J. Reine Angew. Math. 351 (1984), 113--128
  101. L. E. Dickson, Algebren und ihre Zahlentheorie, Zürich-Leipzig 1927
  102. A. Dietz, Ein kubischer Zahlkörper, welcher euklidisch aber nicht norm-euklidisch ist, Staatsexamensarbeit, FU Berlin
  103. L. Dirichlet, Recherches sur les forms quadratiques à coéfficients et à indeterminées complexes, J. Reine Angew. Math. 24 (1842), 291--371; see also Werke I, 533--618
  104. L. Dirichlet, Ueber die Reduktion der positiven quadratischen Formen mit drei unbestimmten ganzen Zahlen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 40 (1850), 209--277; see also Werke II, 27-48
  105. D. W. Dubois, A. Steger, A note on the division algorithms in imaginary quadratic number fields, Canad. J. Math. 19 (1958), 285-286
  106. F. J. Dyson, On the product of four non-homogeneous linear forms, Ann. Math. 49 (1948), 82--109
  107. S. Egami, Euclid's algorithm in pure quartic fields, Tokyo J. Math. 2 (1979), 379--385
  108. S. Egami, On finiteness of numbers of Euclidean fields in some classes of number fields, Tokyo J. Math. 7 (1984), 183--198
  109. R. B. Eggleton, C. B. Lacampagne, J. L. Selfridge, Euclidean quadratic fields, Amer. Math. Monthly 99 (1992), 829--837
  110. G. F. Eisenstein, Über einige allgemeine Eigenschaften der Gleichung, von welcher die Teilung der ganzen Lemniskate abhängt, nebst Anwendungen derselben auf die Zahlentheorie, J. Reine Angew. Math. 39 (1850), 224--287; see also Math. Werke II, 556--619
  111. V. Ennola, On the first inhomogeneous minimum of indefinite binary quadratic forms and Euclid's algorithm in real quadratic fields, Ann. Univ. Turku. Ser. A I 28 (1958), 58pp;
  112. P. Erdös, Ch. Ko, Note on the Euclidean algorithm, J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938), 3--8
  113. H.R.P. Ferguson, R.W. Forcade, Mulidimensional Euclidean algorithms, J. Reine Angew. Math. 334 (1982), 171--181
  114. A. K. Feyziglu, A very simple proof that \({\mathbb Z}[\frac12(1+\sqrt{-19})]\) is a principal ideal domain, Doga Mat. 16 (1992), 62--68
  115. B. Fine, The Euclidean Bianchi groups, Comm. Algebra 18 (1990), no. 8, 2461--2484;
  116. C. R. Fletcher, Euclidean Rings, J. London Math. Soc. 4 (1971), 79--82
  117. G. Fontené, Sur les entiers algébriques de la forme \(x+y\sqrt{-5}\), Nouv. ann. math. (4) 3 (1903), 209--214
  118. A. Förster, Zur Theorie einseitig euklidischer Ringe, Wiss. Z. Pädagog. Hochsch. "Karl Liebknecht" Potsdam 32 (1988), no. 1, 143--147
  119. A. Förster, Zur Theorie einseitig euklidischer Ringe. II, Wiss. Z. Pädagog. Hochsch. "Karl Liebknecht" Potsdam 33 (1989), no. 1, 87--90
  120. A. Förster, Zur Theorie einseitig euklidischer Ringe. III, Wiss. Z. Pädagog. Hochsch. "Karl Liebknecht" Potsdam 34 (1990), no. 1, 123--128;
  121. J. Fox, Finiteness of the number of quadratic fields with even discriminant and Euclidean algorithm, Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University 1935; see also Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 41 (1935), p. 186
  122. C. F. Gauss, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, 1801
  123. C. F. Gauss, Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum II, Werke II (1876), 93--148
  124. C. F. Gauss, Zur Theorie der komplexen Zahlen, Werke II (1876), 387--398
  125. F. A. W. George, Using the Euclidean algorithm to identify principal ideals and their generators in imaginary quadratic fields, manuscript 1994
  126. H. J. Godwin, On the inhomogeneous minima of certain norm-forms, J. London Math. Soc. 30 (1955), 114--119
  127. H. J. Godwin, On a conjecture of Barnes and Swinnerton-Dyer, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 59 (1963), 519--522
  128. H. J. Godwin, On Euclid's algorithm in some quartic and quintic fields, J. London Math. Soc. 40 (1965), 699--704
  129. H. J. Godwin, On the inhomogeneous minima of totally real cubic norm-forms, J. London Math. Soc. 40 (1965), 623--627
  130. H. J. Godwin, On Euclid's algorithm in some cubic fields with signature one, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 18 (1967), 333--338
  131. H. J. Godwin, Computations relating to cubic fields, Computers in number theory, London (1971), 225--229
  132. H. J. Godwin, J. R. Smith, On the Euclidean nature of four cyclic cubic fields, Math. Comp. 60 (1993), 421--423
  133. D. S. Gorskov, On the Euclidean algorithm in real quadratic fields (Russ.), Ucenye Zapisky Kazan. Univ. 101 (1941), 31--37
  134. D. S. Gorskov, Real quadratic fields without an Euclidean algorithm (Russ.), Ucenye Zapisky Kazan. Univ. 101 (1941), 37--42
  135. R. Gupta, M. Murty, V. Murty, The Euclidean algorithm for S-integers, Canad. Math. Soc. Conference Proc. 7 (1987), 189--201
  136. B. Hainke, Reellquadratische Zahlkörper mit euklidischem Algorithmen, diploma thesis Univ. Mainz, 1997
  137. M. Harper, McGill Univ. thesis 1997
  138. M. Harper, A proof that \({\mathbb Z}[\sqrt{14}]\) is a Euclidean Domain, Ph. D. thesis McGill July 2000
  139. H. Hasse, Über eindeutige Zerlegung in Primelemente oder in Primhauptideale in Integri\-täts\-bereichen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 159 (1928), 3--12
  140. H. Heilbronn, On Euclid's algorithm in real quadratic fields, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 34 (1938), 521--526
  141. H. Heilbronn, On Euclid's algorithm in cubic self-conjugate fields, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 46 (1950), 377--382
  142. H. Heilbronn, On Euclid's algorithm in cyclic fields, Canad. J. Math. 3 (1950), 257--286; see also The collected papers of H. Heilbronn (1988)
  143. Heinhold, Verallgemeinerung und Verschärfung eines Minkowskischen Satzes Math. Z. 44 (1939), 659--688; ibid. 45 (1939), 176--184
  144. M. D. Hendy, Euclid and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Hist. Math. 2 (1975), 189--191
  145. D. Hensley, The number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm, J. Number Theory 49 (1994), no. 2, 142--182
  146. J. J. Hiblot, Des anneaux euclidiens dont le plus petit algorithme n'est pas à valeurs finies, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér A 281 (1975), 411--414
  147. N. Hofreiter, Quadratische Zahlkörper ohne Euklidischen Algorithmus, Math. Ann. 110 (1935), 194-196
  148. N. Hofreiter, Quadratische Zahlkörper mit und ohne Euklidischen Algorithmus, Monatsh. Math. Phys. 42 (1935), 397--400
  149. L. K. Hua, On the distribution of quadratic non-residues and the Euclidean algorithm in real quadratic fields I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 56 (1944), 537--546
  150. L. K. Hua, S.H. Min, On the distribution of quadratic non-residues and the Euclidean algorithm in real quadratic fields II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 56 (1944), 547--569
  151. L. K. Hua, W. T. Shih, On the lack of the Euclidean algorithm in $R(\sqrt{61})$, Amer. J. Math. 67 (1945), 209--211
  152. A. Hurwitz, Über die Entwicklung komplexer Grössen in Kettenbrüche, Acta Math. 11 (1887), 187--200
  153. A. Hurwitz, Letter to L. Bianchi, 24.06.1895, Opere di L. Bianchi XI, 103--105
  154. A. Hurwitz, Zur Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen, Nachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Math. -phys. Klasse, (1895), 324--331; see also Math. Werke 2 (1932), 236--243
  155. A. Hurwitz, Die unimodularen Substitutionen in einem algebraischen Zahlenkörper, Nachrichten von der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Math. -phys. Klasse, (1895), 332-356; see also Math. Werke 2 (1932), 244--268
  156. A. Hurwitz, Der Euklidische Divisionssatz in einem endlichen algebraischen Zahlkörper, Math. Zeitschrift 3 (1919), 123--126; see also Math. Werke 2 (1932), 471--474
  157. M. Ikeda, On the Euclidean kernel, Turk. J. Math. 17 (1993), 161--170;
  158. K. Inkeri, Über den Euklidischen Algorithmus in quadratischen Zahlkör\-pern, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A 41 (1947), 1--35
  159. K. Inkeri, Neue Beweise für einige Sätze zum Euklidischen Algorithmus in quadratischen Zahlkör\-pern, Ann. Univ. Turku. A IX (1948), 1--15
  160. K. Inkeri, Non-homogeneous binary quadratic forms, Den 11te Skandinaviske Matematiker Kongress Trondheim (1949), 216--224
  161. K. Inkeri, V. Ennola, The Minkowski constant for certain binary quadratic forms, Ann. Univ. Turku. Ser A I 25 (1957), 3--18
  162. D. H. Johnson, C. S. Queens, A. N. Sevilla, Euclidean real quadratic number fields, Arch. Math. 44 (1985), 344--368
  163. J. Mandavid, Zahlkörper höheren Grades mit Euklidischem Algorithmus, diploma thesis Univ. Mainz, 1998
  164. R. G. McKenzie, The ring of cyclotomic integers of modulus thirteen is norm-euclidean, Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University 1988
  165. G. Kacerovsky, Der euklidische Algorithmus in einigen biquadratischen Zahlkörpern, Diss. Wien 1977
  166. G. Kalajdzic, On Euclidean algorithms with some particular properties, Duro Kurepa memorial volume. Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.) 57 (71) (1995), 124--134;
  167. E. Kaltofen, H. Rolletschek, Computing greatest common divisors and factorizations in quadratic number fields, Math. Comp. 53 (1989), no. 188, 697--720
  168. A. Kanemitsu, K. Yoshiba, Euclidean rings, Bull. Fac. Sci. Ibaraki Univ. Math. 18 (1986), 1--5
  169. R. P. Kelisky, Concerning the Euclidean algorithm, Fibonacci Quart. 3 (1965), 219--223
  170. H. Kilian, Zur mittleren Anzahl von Schritten beim euklidischen Algorithmus, Elem. Math. 38 (1983), no. 1, 11--15
  171. B. Kiraly, G. Orosz, On a Euclidean ring (Hungarian), Acta Acad. Paedagog. Agriensis, Sect. Mat. (N.S.) 25 (1998), 71-76
  172. A. Knopfmacher, Elementary properties of the subtractive Euclidean algorithm, Fibonacci Quart. 30 (1992), no. 1, 80--83.
  173. A. Knopfmacher, J. Knopfmacher, The exact length of the Euclidean algorithm in Fq[X], Mathematika 35 (1988), no. 2, 297--304
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  175. A. Knopfmacher, J. Knopfmacher, The number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm over complex quadratic fields, BIT 31 (1991), no. 2, 286--292
  176. W. Knorr, Problems in the interpretation of Greek number theory; Euclid and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Studies in Hist. and Phil. Sci. 7 (1976), 353--368
  177. Ch. Kolb, Der euklidische Algorithmus in Körpern \({\mathbb Q}(\sqrt m\,)\), Kap. 3 der Zulassungsarbeit, Univ. Heidelberg 1976
  178. G. Kumar, Quadratic Euclidean domains, Math. Ed. 26 (1992), 180--185
  179. E. E. Kummer, Letters to L. Kronecker, 2.10.1844 and 16.10.1844, Coll. Papers I (1975), 87--92
  180. R. B. Lakein, Euclid's algorithm in complex quartic fields, Acta Arithm. 20 (1972), 393--400
  181. E. Landau, Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie, Leipzig 1927
  182. D. Lazard, On the minimal algorithm in rings of imaginary quadratic integers, J. Number Theory 15 (1982), no. 2, 143--148
  183. F. Lemmermeyer, Euklidische Ringe, Diplomarbeit, Heidelberg 1989
  184. F. Lemmermeyer, The Euclidean algorithm in algebraic number fields, Expo. Math. 13, No. 5 (1995), 385-416
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