Elliptic Curves
- Jeff Achter,
On computing the rank of elliptic curves
- Michael Adams,
Degenerierende elliptische Kurven und ihre Anwendung zur Bestimmung
der Struktur der n-Teilungspunkte
- John Capco,
Weil-Pairing on elliptic curves
- Jy-Ying Janet Chen,
The Tate-Shafarevich Group in Families of Elliptic Curves
- Gaetan Chenevier,
formes modulaires
- Jason Colwell,
The Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for elliptic
curves with complex multiplication by a nonmaximal order
- Tom Fisher,
On 5 and 7 descents for elliptic curves
- Steven Galbraight
Equations for modular curves
- E.H. Goins,
Elliptic curves and icosahedral Galois representations
- Franziska Hennig,
Eine Gleichung für die Modulkurve X0(15)
- Kai-Wen Lan,
Moduli Schemes of Elliptic Curves
- Sönke Maseberg,
Additionsformeln für Jacobi-Varietäten hyperelliptischer
Kurven via Theta-Relationen
- Catherine O'Neil,
Jacobians of Curves of Genus 1
- Mugino Saeki,
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
- Susanne Schmitt,
Berechnung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe parametrisierter elliptischer
Bestimmung der Mordell-Weil Gruppe elliptischer Kurven über
algebraischen Zahlkörpern
- Douglas Ulmer,
The arithmetic of universal elliptic modular curves
>LI> Thomas Womack,
Explicit Descent on Elliptic Curves