Bianca Marchionna

Photo of Bianca Marchionna.

My main research interests lie within geometric group theory, topological group theory and asymptotic algebra. The common thread of my research is studying totally disconnected locally compact groups acting on discrete structures, like trees or buildings, and possibly considering cohomological invariants, counting problems and growth series associated to them. I am also fascinated by local-to-global arguments and simplicity criteria for groups acting on "sufficiently nice" spaces.

E-mail address: bmarchionna[at]mathi.uni-heidelberg[dot]de (please don't forget the "i" in "mathi"!).

Articles and preprints:

  1. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees", 2024, arXiv, Oberwolfach report.
  2. "Weyl-invariants of totally disconnected locally compact groups acting cocompactly on buildings", with I. Castellano and T. Weigel, 2024, arXiv.
  3. "Unimodular totally disconnected locally compact groups of rational discrete cohomological dimension one", with I. Castellano and T. Weigel, 2024, arXiv.

Invited research talks:

  1. "The importance of being totally disconnected" at the RTG 2229 Retreat, Horenwart Forum (Germany), 05.10.2024 (60 min)
  2. "Euler characteristic and generating functions" at the Oberseminar Groups and Geometry, Bielefeld University (Germany), 03.07.2024 (60 min)
  3. "Are t.d.l.c. groups accessible?" at the Bielefeld Graduate Student Seminar, Bielefeld University (Germany), 29.04.2024 (60 min)
  4. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees" at the Algebra Seminar, Lincoln University (UK), 14.02.2024 (60 min)
  5. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees" at Royal Holloway London University (UK), 07.02.2024 (60 min)
  6. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees" at the "Mini-Workshop: Homological Aspects for TDLC-Groups", MFO Oberwolfach (Germany), 28.11.2023 (60 min)
  7. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees: a local-to-global approach" at the Topology and Geometric Group Theory Seminar, KIT Karlsruhe (Germany), 16.06.2023 (60 min)
  8. "Trees, buildings and their interactions" at the conference "Manifolds and groups in Bologna", University of Bologna (Italy), 23.03.2023 (20 min)
  9. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees and buildings" at the workshop "Asymptotic Algebra 2023", FernHagen University (Germany), 09.03.2023 (60 min)
  10. "Trees, buildings, and their interactions" at Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology, WW Münster University (Germany), 08.02.2023 (60 min)
  11. "Double-coset zeta functions for groups acting on trees" at the Algebra-Combinatorics-Geometry-Groups Oberseminar, Magdeburg University (Germany), 24.01.2023 (50 min)

Organised conferences and seminars:

I co-organised two editions of the conference "GABY: Groups and Algebras in Bicocca for Young algebraists" at the University of Milano-Bicocca (see GABY 2022 and GABY 2024). In particular, within GABY 2024, I also co-organised an EDI session (EDI = Equity Diversity Inclusion) about the theme of "privilege".

From October 2022 to July 2023, I co-organised a biweekly seminar called "Insalate di Matematica", which took place at the University of Milano-Bicocca and was aimed at young researchers in Mathematics.


  1. Winter semester 2024/25: Exercise class for the course "Geometric Group Theory" by Prof. Petra Schwer (master's degree in Mathematics, Heidelberg University, joint with José Pedro Quintanilha).
  2. Winter semester 2021/22: Tutorial (= additional exercise class) for the course "Algebra 2" by Prof. Thomas Weigel (bachelor's degree in Mathematics, University of Milano-Bicocca).
  3. Summer semester 2021: Tutorial (= additional exercise class) for the course "Analysis 3" by Prof. Bianca Di Blasio (bachelor's degree in Mathematics, University of Milano-Bicocca).
  4. Winter semester 2020/21: Tutorial (= additional exercise class) for the course "Linear Algebra and Geometry" by Prof. Diego Conti (bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Physics, University of Milano-Bicocca).
  5. Academic Year 2019/2020: "Orientation tutor" for bachelor students in Mathematics (University of Milano-Bicocca).