Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
„Vertex operator algebras on Riemann surfaces“
Michael Tuite

We describe recent progress in defining and computing the partition function and correlation functions for a Vertex Operator Algebra (VOA) on a Riemann surface formed by sewing together lower genus surfaces. We consider the Heisenberg VOA on a genus $g$ surface where such functions can be computed by application of a version of the MacMahon Master Theorem from classical combinatorics. We also discuss the modular properties of the partition function on a Riemann surface formed by multiple sewings of tori for which Siegel modular form like automorphic properties hold.

Montag, den 19. September 2011 um 14:30 Uhr, in INF288, HS2 Montag, den 19. September 2011 at 14:30, in INF288, HS2