Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„The Ramanujan conjecture - history, methods, applications “
Prof. Valentin Blomer, Universität Göttingen

The Ramanujan conjecture, posed in 1916 for the Ramanujan discriminant function and proved in this special case by Deligne in 1974, has been vastly generalized and is one of the fundmantal conjectures in number theory with far-reaching consequences. I will give some history of this conjecture and discuss classical and more modern methods how one can try to attack it. My own contribution to this topic is joint work with F. Brumley.

Donnerstag, den 12. Januar 2012 um 17 c.t. Uhr, in INF 288, HS2 Donnerstag, den 12. Januar 2012 at 17 c.t., in INF 288, HS2

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by W. Kohnen