Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Some Recent Results and Open Questions in the Mathematical Theory of Liquid-Solid Interaction“
Prof. Paolo Galdi, University of Pittsburgh

Even though problems of liquid-solid interaction are more or less ubiquitous in many branches of applied science - ranging from a small to a large scale - a systematic mathematical treatment of some of their relevant and basic aspects has begun only a few years ago. This late start is probably due to the intrinsic, severe difficulty of the relevant equations. In fact, the presence of the solid (rigid or elastic) affects the flow of the liquid, and this, in turn, affects the motion of the solid, so that the problem of determining the flow characteristics is highly linked, typically, through a non-local coupling. It is just this latter feature that makes any fundamental mathematical problem related to fluid-solid interaction a particularly challenging one.
Objective of this talk is to give an account of certain significant problems in the mathematical theory of liquid-solid interaction, as well as to present some new results and open question, when the solid is either rigid or elastic.

Donnerstag, den 13. Januar 2011 um 17:15 Uhr, in INF 288, HS 2 Donnerstag, den 13. Januar 2011 at 17:15, in INF 288, HS 2