Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„A D3 printing journey into algebraic surfaces“
Dr. Alba Marina Málaga Sabogal, Université de Lorraine

An algebraic surface in the Euclidean space is just the set of solutions of a polynomial equation in 3 variables. First physical representations of such objects date from well before 3d printing was even invented. In this talk, I will present a couple of ways you can get a numerical approximation of an algebraic surface suitable for 3d printing. The talk will be lllustrated by 3D printed models by different authors, including Silviana Amethyst, Manfred Kuhnkies et al. and François Apéry. I will also include practical advice on 3D-printing your own algebraic surfaces.

Montag, den 28. November 2022 um 14:15 Uhr, in INF205, SRC Montag, den 28. November 2022 at 14:15, in INF205, SRC

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Peter Albers, Dr. Anja Randecker