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„Higher Hida theory and p-adic L-functions for Hilbert modular forms “
Dr. Giada Grossi, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
In recent years Boxer and Pilloni studied p-adic properties of the higher degree coherent cohomology of automorphic sheaves on certain (toroidal compactifications of) Shimura varieties. I will outline higher Hida theory for Hilbert modular varieties and explain how this theory can be used to construct p-adic L-functions interpolating critical values of certain L-functions associated to Hilbert eigenforms.
Freitag, den 21. Januar 2022 um 13:30 Uhr, in INF205, SR A Freitag, den 21. Januar 2022 at 13:30, in INF205, SR A
Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Dr. Peter Mathias Gräf