Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Geometric Eisenstein series and the Fargues-Fontaine curve“
Dr. David Hansen, MPI Bonn

In the geometric Langlands program, one replaces automorphic forms on a group G with sheaves on the stack of G-bundles over a fixed projective curve. The analogue of Eisenstein series in this setting is the "Eisenstein functor" constructed 20 years ago by Braverman-Gaitsgory, which has many marvelous properties. Recently, Fargues has proposed a completely new kind of geometric Langlands program over the Fargues-Fontaine curve. I'll discuss the prospects for constructing an Eisenstein functor in this setting, and explain an application to the local Langlands correspondence. This is joint work in progress with Linus Hamann.

Freitag, den 31. Januar 2020 um 13:30 Uhr, in INF 205, SR A Freitag, den 31. Januar 2020 at 13:30, in INF 205, SR A

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Dr. Judith Ludwig