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„A global view of hyperbolic manifolds“
Prof. Jean Raimbault, Université Toulouse, France

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Mathematisches Institut Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard Prof. Dr. Peter Albers Heidelberg, 03.07.2019 RTG Kolloquium "A global view of hyperbolic manifolds" Prof. Jean Raimbault Université Toulouse, France Abstract: I will discuss constructions and properties of real hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume, with a focus on dimensions 2 and 3 and families of arithmetic manifolds. The results I want to discuss mainly concern the relation of the volume to various topological invariants (genus, Betti numbers,...). Dienstag, den 29. Oktober 2019 um 13.30 Uhr, Konferenzraum 5.104, 5.OG, INF 205

Dienstag, den 29. Oktober 2019 um 13:30 Uhr, in INF205, 5.104 Dienstag, den 29. Oktober 2019 at 13:30, in INF205, 5.104

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard, Prof. Dr. Peter Albers