Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Symplectic fillings of asymptotical dynamically convex manifolds“
Dr. Zhengyi Zhou, IAS Princeton USA

One natural question in symplectic topology is understanding symplectic fillings of a given contact manifold. In this talk, I will introduce a Floer theoretic method of studying a class of contact manifolds admitting only the trivial augmentation, called asymptotically dynamically convex (ADC) manifolds. I will construct various structure maps and explain why they are independent of fillings for ADC manifolds. Such invariance can be used to answer both existence and uniqueness questions of symplectic fillings

Montag, den 3. Februar 2020 um 09.00-10.00 Uhr, in Mathematikon, INF 205, SR 1, 2. OG Montag, den 3. Februar 2020 at 09.00-10.00, in Mathematikon, INF 205, SR 1, 2. OG

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Peter Albers