Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Session 4. Cartesian fibrations I: definitions and properties. “
Dr. Katharina Hübner, Universität Heidelberg

The goal of this talk is to explain main definitions and results of [2.4] which studies Cartesian fibrations. A Cartesianfibration between simplicial sets is a generalization of right fibrations (the dual notion is called coCartesian fibration)which can be viewed as a moduli of∞-categories over a simplicial set. Important results that should be covered, apartfrom definitions, include [,] as well as the proof of [] in [2.4.5], and the descriptionof fibrant objects in the Joyal model structure [Th.].

Dienstag, den 14. Mai 2019 um 11:15 Uhr, in INF 205, SR 3 Dienstag, den 14. Mai 2019 at 11:15, in INF 205, SR 3