Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Session 1. Overview and left/right fibrations between simplicial sets.“
Dr. Pavel Sechin, Universität Heidelberg

In this talk I will sketch the idea of the proof of the main theorem of [BGH-Exo] using∞-categories and will also explain the scheduled route towards ∞-topoi which we plan to undertake. In the second part of this talk I will try to cover the major part of [2.1] introducing left/right fibrations betweensimplicial sets and proving their properties. Several proofs will be skipped, most notably, of []. Theseproofs can also be found in [Rez17].Finally, I will introduce the covariant model structure using simplicial categories. However, we will see later thatits fibrant objects are just left fibrations and cofibrations are monomorphisms (which determines the model structure)and one could give a definition without using simplicial categories.

Dienstag, den 16. April 2019 um 11:15 Uhr, in INF 205, SR 3 Dienstag, den 16. April 2019 at 11:15, in INF 205, SR 3