Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Convex integration and the bracket-generating condition“
Dr. Alvaro del Pino, Universität Utrecht, Niederlande

Convex integration is one of the most important tools in the construction of solutions of partial differential relations. It was first introduced by J. Nash in his work on $C^1$ isometric embeddings and later generalised by M. Gromov to deal with a large class of differential relations satisfying a geometric condition called ampleness. In my talk, I will explain the key geometric insight underlying convex integration. I will then discuss some work in progress with F. Martínez-Aguinaga in which we adapt it to deal with more general (non-ample) differential relations. Our main application has to do with the construction of maps tangent/transverse to non-involutive distributions. I will try to keep the talk as non-technical as possible and with many pictures!

Dienstag, den 16. Juli 2019 um 13:00 Uhr, in Mathematicon, INF 205, SR C Dienstag, den 16. Juli 2019 at 13:00, in Mathematicon, INF 205, SR C

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Peter Albers