Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
Léon Carvajales, Sorbonne Université, Paris

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Mathematisches Institut Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard Heidelberg, 06.02.2019 Differential Geometry Seminar "Anosov representations and counting in some PSO(p,q)-symmetric spaces." León Carvajales, Sorbonne Université, Paris Abstract: For positive integers p and q consider a quadratic form on R^{p+q} of signature (p,q) and let O(p,q) be its group of linear isometries. The space X of q-dimensional subspaces of R^{p+q} on which the quadratic form is negative definite is the Riemannian symmetric space of PSO(p,q). Let S be a totally geodesic copy of the Riemannian symmetric space of PSO(p,q-1) inside X. We look at the orbit of S under the action of a projective Anosov subgroup of PSO(p,q). For certain choices of such a subgroup we show that the number of points in this orbit which are at distance at most t from S is asymptotically purely exponential as t goes to infinity. We also provide a geometric interpretation of this result in the pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic space of signature (p,q-1). Donnerstag, den 14. Februar 2019 um 13:30 Uhr, SR3, 3.OG, INF 205

Donnerstag, den 14. Februar 2019 um 13:30 Uhr, in INF 205, SR3 Donnerstag, den 14. Februar 2019 at 13:30, in INF 205, SR3

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard