Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Computing equivariant harmonic maps“
Dr. Brice Loustau, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Title: Computing equivariant harmonic maps Abstract: I will present effective methods to compute equivariant harmonic maps. The main setting will be equivariant maps from the universal cover of a surface into a nonpositively curved space. By discretizing the theory appropriately, we show that the energy functional is strongly convex and derive the convergence of the discrete heat flow to the energy minimizer, with explicit convergence rate. We also examine center of mass methods, after showing a generalized mean value characterization for harmonic maps. We feature a concrete illustration of these methods with Harmony, a computer software with a graphical user interface that we developed in C++, whose main functionality is to numerically compute and display equivariant harmonic maps.

Dienstag, den 4. Dezember 2018 um 13:00 Uhr, in INF205, SRC Dienstag, den 4. Dezember 2018 at 13:00, in INF205, SRC

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard, Prof. Dr. Peter Albers