Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Cluster structures on Poisson-Lie groups“
Prof. Michael Gekhtman, University of Notre Dame, USA

The connection between cluster algebras and Poisson structures is by now well-documented. Among the most important examples in which this connection has been utilized are coordinate rings of double Bruhat cells in semisimple Lie groups equipped with (the restriction of) the standard Poisson–Lie structure. In this talk, based on the joint work with M. Shapiro and A. Vainshtein, I will describe a construction of a generalized cluster structure compatible with the Poisson bracket on the Drinfeld double of the standard Poisson–Lie group GL(n), a generalized cluster structure on GL(n) compatible with the push-forward of the dual Poisson–Lie bracket and exotic cluster structures on GL(n) compatible with Poisson–Lie brackets arising from the Belavin-Drinfeld classification

Donnerstag, den 12. Juli 2018 um 15:00-16:00 Uhr, in Mathematikon, INF 205, Konferenzraum, 5. Stock Donnerstag, den 12. Juli 2018 at 15:00-16:00, in Mathematikon, INF 205, Konferenzraum, 5. Stock

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. P. Albers