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„Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow“
Prof. Nader Masmoudi, Courant Institute, NYU/NYU Abu Dhabi

We study small disturbances of the plane periodic Couette flow in the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in the limit Re -> infinity. Specifically, we are interested in obtaining a mathematically rigorous understanding of the subcritical instability. For sufficiently smooth perturbations we prove that the subcritical transition threshold as ~Re^(-1) and prove that all possible instabilities near this threshold are driven only by the secondary instability of "streak" solutions driven by the lift-up effect. For rougher data we estimate the threshold as being at least Re^{-3/2}.

Donnerstag, den 19. Juli 2018 um 17.15 Uhr, in INF 205, HS Mathematikon Donnerstag, den 19. Juli 2018 at 17.15, in INF 205, HS Mathematikon

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Hans Knüpfer