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„J+-like invariants and the restricted three body problem“
Dr. Seongchan Kim, Universität Augsburg

Recently, Cieliebak-Frauenfelder-van Koert observed disasters which can happen in a family of periodic orbits in the planar circular restricted three body problem and defined new invariants of such families, based on Arnold's J+-invariant. In this talk, we recall their results and determine those invariants for a distinguished class of periodic orbits in the restricted three body problem, i.e., periodic orbits of the second kind. This talk is based on a joint work with Joontae Kim.

Mittwoch, den 25. Oktober 2017 um 16 Uhr, in Mathematikon, INF 205, SR 4 Mittwoch, den 25. Oktober 2017 at 16, in Mathematikon, INF 205, SR 4

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. P. Albers