Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
„Enumerative geometry with quadratic forms“
Prof. Marc Levine, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Many aspects of enumerative geometry, such as classical trace formulas, can be phrased in an abstract terms which allow their generalization to the setting of motivic stable homotopy theory. Concretely, this enables a refinement of these classical numerical invariants to give invariants in the Grothendieck-Witt group of quadratic forms over the base-field. This gives a nice way to compare the classical invariants for the real and complex points of a real variety, and can be viewed as a purely algebraic formulation of some aspects of classical Morse theory. We explain the basic aspects of this theory and illustrate it with examples.

Donnerstag, den 8. Juni 2017 um 17.15 Uhr, in Mathematikon, INF 205, Hörsaal Mathematikon Donnerstag, den 8. Juni 2017 at 17.15, in Mathematikon, INF 205, Hörsaal Mathematikon

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. A. Schmidt