Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„On Sullivan’s structural stability theorem“
Dr. Jaejeong Lee, KIAS, South Korea

Suppose a finitely generated group acts on a Riemannian manifold by C^1 diffeomorphisms leaving invariant a compact subset. Dennis Sullivan (Acta Math. 1985) showed such an action is structurally stable under certain conditions that he called “expanding” and “hyperbolic” properties. I will review these conditions and present a detailed proof of the theorem. (Joint with Sungwoon Kim.)

Dienstag, den 9. August 2016 um 13:30 Uhr, in INF 205, SR 4 Dienstag, den 9. August 2016 at 13:30, in INF 205, SR 4

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Anna Wienhard