Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„On the second cohomology of Kähler groups“
Prof. Julien Maubon, Université de Lorraine

A Kähler group is the fundamental group of a compact Kähler manifold. Being a Kähler group forces strong restrictions on the group, in particular on its first cohomology. Here we will be interested in the second cohomology, and in particular in the following question of James Carlson and Domingo Toledo: is it true that any infinite Kähler group has non zero second cohomology? We will describe a possible approach and (very) partial results under the assumption that the group admits an unbounded linear representation. This is a joint work with Bruno Klingler and Vincent Koziarz.

Dienstag, den 17. Juni 2014 um 13.30 Uhr Uhr, in INF 288, HS 5 Dienstag, den 17. Juni 2014 at 13.30 Uhr, in INF 288, HS 5

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard