Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
„Heidelberg Lecture Series in Mathematics and Physics: Spectral networks and their uses III“
Andy Neitzke, UT Austin

Abstract: Spectral networks are certain networks of codimension-1 `walls’ on manifolds. Spectral networks on 2-manifolds have appeared in many places, e.g. in the theory of cluster varieties, Donaldson-Thomas theory, Hitchin systems, and 4-dimensional supersymmetric quantum field theory. One key idea is that the spectral network gives a way of reducing nonabelian phenomena to abelian ones, e.g. replacing GL(K) connections over some space by GL(1) connections over a K-fold covering space. I will describe what a spectral network is, how they give rise to nice `cluster-like’ coordinate systems on moduli spaces of complex flat connections over 2-manifolds (character varieties), and how they can be used to study the solutions of Hitchin equations themselves. The relation to Donaldson-Thomas theory and quantum field theory will be discussed more briefly. The main part of the story is joint work with Davide Gaiotto and Greg Moore, motivated by work of many other people, especially Fock-Goncharov, Kontsevich-Soibelman, Joyce-Song.

Donnerstag, den 15. Mai 2014 um 14.00 Uhr - 15.30 Uhr Uhr, in Instiut für Theoretische Physik Philosophenweg 12, SR 106 Donnerstag, den 15. Mai 2014 at 14.00 Uhr - 15.30 Uhr, in Instiut für Theoretische Physik Philosophenweg 12, SR 106

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard

Ankündigung / Poster (pdf)