Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
„Motivic homology of semiabelian varieties“
Dr. Rin Sugiyama, Essen

For an abelian variety, Beauville proved a vanishing of an eigenspace of Chow groups of an abelian varieties with respect to the pull-back along multiplication by integers. In this talk, we generalize this result for semiabelian varieties via motivic homology, using a recent result of Ancona{Enright-Ward{Huber on a decomposition of the motive of a semiabelian variety in the Voevodsky's category and a result of Kahn{Yamazaki on a description of some motivic homology in terms of K-groups attached to semiabelian varieties.

Dienstag, den 25. März 2014 um 11.00-12.00 Uhr, in INF288, HS2 Dienstag, den 25. März 2014 at 11.00-12.00, in INF288, HS2

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Alexander Schmidt, Jakob Stix