Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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„Polyhedral complexes and topology of projective varieties“
Prof. Misha Kapovich , University of California, Davis, USA

Polyhedral complexes are obtained by gluing convex polytopes(say, Euclidean or hyperbolic) via isometric maps. In the talk I will explain how to use such complexes to construct irreducible complex-projective varieties with controlled singularities (normal crossings and Whitney umbrellas) and with prescribed fundamental groups. Polyhedral complexes that appear in the construction come from geometric topology of 1960s and 3-dimensional hyperbolic geometry (Dirichlet fundamental domains of some discrete isometry groups of hyperbolic 3-space). This is partly a joint work with Janos Kollar.

Donnerstag, den 12. Dezember 2013 um 17 Uhr c.t. Uhr, in INF 288, HS2 Donnerstag, den 12. Dezember 2013 at 17 Uhr c.t., in INF 288, HS2

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Wienhard