Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
Dr. Alessia Mandini , University of Pavia

In this talk I will prove the existence of an isomorphism between two families of manifolds: hyperpolygon spaces and moduli spaces H of stable, rank-2, holomor-phically trivial parabolic Higgs bundles over P¹ with fixed determinant and trace free Higgs field. Moreover I will analyze the fixed point locus of a natural involution on H. Precisely, denote by (E, Φ) an element in H and consider the involution defined by (E, Φ) → (E, −Φ). The fixed point locus of this involution is identified with the moduli spaces of polygons in Minkowski 3-space and the identification yields information on the connected components of the fixed point locus. This is based on joint works with Leonor Godinho and with Indranil Biswas, Carlos Florentino and Leonor Godinho.

Dienstag, den 15. Oktober 2013 um 13.30 Uhr, in INF 288, HS 5 Dienstag, den 15. Oktober 2013 at 13.30, in INF 288, HS 5

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard