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„Anabelian criteria for good reduction of $p$-adic curves“
Prof. Adrian Iovita, Concordia University Montreal, Canada

Let $X$ be a smooth, projective curve over a $p$-adic field $K$. In this talk we will discuss various criteria for establishing if $X$ has good reduction, i.e. if it has a smooth, proper model over the ring of integers of $K$. This information is contained in the action of the absolute Galois group of $K$ on various $\ell$-adic quuotients of the geometric fundamental group of the curve (we assume $X$ has a $K$-rational point.)

Donnerstag, den 4. Juli 2013 um 17 Uhr c.t. Uhr, in INF 288, HS2 Donnerstag, den 4. Juli 2013 at 17 Uhr c.t., in INF 288, HS2

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Venjakob