Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Informationen für
„q-series and quantum modular forms“
Prof. Amanda Folsom, Yale University, USA; MPI Bonn

While the theory of mock modular forms has seen great advances in the last decade, questions remain. We revisit Ramanujan's last letter to Hardy, and prove one of his remaining conjectures as a special case of a more general result. Quantum modular forms, defined by Zagier, as well as Dyson's combinatorial rank function, the Andres-Garvan crank function, and mock theta functions, all play key roles. Along these lines, we also show that the Rogers-Fine false theta functions, functions that have not been well understood within the theory of modular forms, specialize to quantum modular forms. This is joint work with K. Ono (Emory U.) and R.C. Rhoades (Stanford U.).

Mittwoch, den 8. Mai 2013 um 11 Uhr c.t. Uhr, in INF 288, HS5 Mittwoch, den 8. Mai 2013 at 11 Uhr c.t., in INF 288, HS5

Der Vortrag folgt der Einladung von The lecture takes place at invitation by Prof. Kohnen